A downloadable game for Windows


The full version is scheduled for late December 2024.



A broke guy drowning in debt is wasting his days away with a junky robot he found in the trash. But then, he hears about this competition: "My Robopet is No. 1!" The goal? Guide your "Robopet" through all the stages. And the grand prize for clearing them all? A cool $1,000,000! Win this, and it's goodbye debt, hello easy life! This might be the last chance to turn everything around. Let the ultimate underdog journey with his clunky Robopet-buddy begin!

Game description


This game challenges you to guide a "Robopet" to the goal of each stage by giving it verbal commands. Numerous stages and a variety of obstacles and gimmicks stand in your way. Give precise instructions to your Robopet and aim to conquer them all!



Enter instructions to be sent to the Robopet in the text box at the bottom right of the screen and send. The Robopet can only move back and forth, left and right. Also, since Robopet is blind, it will not respond accurately to instructions that include information about its surroundings, such as “Move forward to the goal position". Use words such as “go a little to the right” or “back up really far” to indicate the distance and direction the robot should move.


Q, 推奨環境は?

What are the recommended system requirements?

A, Windows10、Windows11での動作を想定しています。

It is designed to run on Windows 10 and Windows 11.

Q, このゲームにAIを利用していますか?

Do you use AI in this game?

A, はい。ELYZA社の「Llama-3-ELYZA-JP-8B-GGUF」をロボペットとの会話や、ユーザーからのロボペットへの指示に対する回答生成に利用しています。生成系AIによる生成物はアセットに含まれていません。

Yes, we use ELYZA's “Llama-3-ELYZA-JP-8B-GGUF” for talking to Robopets and generating responses to instruct Robopet from users. The assets do not include the products generated by the generative AI.

Q, 使用したゲームエンジンは何ですか?

What game engine did you use?

A, Unityを使用しています。

We used Unity.

Q, ゲーム配信をSNS上で行っても大丈夫ですか?

Can I stream this game on SNS?

A, 大歓迎です!このページのリンクの表記も良ければお願いします!

Yes, you are welcome to do so! Please indicate the link on this page if you like!

Q, 対応している言語は?

What languages do you support?

A, 日本語と英語です。

Japanese and English.

Q, 製品版と体験版の違いは?

What is the difference between the full version and the trial version?

A, 製品版では体験版の何倍ものステージとギミックがあなたを待っています。また、製品版は有料です。

The full version has many times more stages and gimmicks than the demo version. Also, full versions are available for a fee.


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Youtube : Click here

Qiita Click here



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No decompiling

Built with Meta Llama 3

Download demo

Help me, ROBOPET!!_demo 4.6 GB
Version 0.1.0

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